P+4 Publications is a small-size publishing programme dedicated to Romanian art, photography and architecture.



At the heart of P+4 Publications lies the experiences of locality, namely the stories and histories—some still silent, unrecognised or, further, forgotten—which shaped the grounds of arts and culture in Romania. Stirred by the encounters with seminal moments and gestures of Romanian art, photography and architecture after 1945, many of them unknown to international audience, the programme aims to create a transversal publishing platform which makes accessible such narratives in a close collaboration with artists and designers.

Our desire is to re-activate static archives, personal memories, and entangled temporalities.

They become storytellers—critical, investigative, and poetic, likewise intuitive—which present the story of art not as a continuous thread, and not as a final outcome. It shows how, using heterogeneous approaches in reading local emancipatory models of individual and collective resistance, radical practices and specific transnational exchanges, new questions are provoked. They call our attention to the way art should be gazed, read and interpreted by looking specifically at the experiences of locality.

P+4 Publications was founded in the frame of PEPLUSPATRU Association and is currently run by The Institute of the Present.


Founder and publisher
Alina Șerban

Alina Șerban, Ștefania Ferchedău

Design logo
Radu Manelici

Communication design
Ioana Petcu

Serioja Bocsok
Claudiu Ștefan

Design website
Andrei Turenici
Daniel & Andrew Design Studio


If you have a book project which responds to our publishing affinities or a proposal to share with us, feel free to write to us. We would be happy to answer. Enquiries: ip@institutulprezentului.ro

© P+4 Publications/The Institute of the Present, artists, authors, designers and editors, 2025. All rights reserved. All contents and prices can be subject to change.

This webpage was developed in the frame of a cultural project co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

The project does not necessarily represent the standpoint of the Administration of the National Cultural Fund. AFCN cannot be held liable for the content of the project or the manner in which the outcomes of the project may be used. These shall devolve entirely on the beneficiary of the financing.

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P+4 Publications encourages individuals to order via this website by clicking the “Order” button at the chosen titles.

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