24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971


2020, 22 x 27 cm, 184 pp., 207 ill., English


ISBN 978-606-94536-8-1

Book concept
Alina Șerban

Alina Șerban, Ștefania Ferchedău

Artists & Authors
Horia Bernea, Ștefan Bertalan, Ion Bitzan, Radu Dragomirescu, Sherban Epure, Constantin Flondor, Pavel Ilie, Ritzi Jacobi, Peter Jacobi, Ovidiu Maitec, Paul Neagu, Miriam Răducanu, Diet Sayler, Radu Stoica, Vladimir Șetran, Sigma Group

Andrei Turenici

This volume of the Exhibition-Dossier series brings together a mix of materials of different kinds associated with the research that accompanied the exhibition 24 Arguments. Early Encounters in Romanian Neo-Avant-Garde 1969–1971, hosted by the National Museum of Art of Romania between November 7, 2019 and February 2, 2020. The editorial concept of the publication highlights a number of primary sources that allow us to fill some gaps in the recent history of visual arts in Romania, which take into account the international exchanges during the years 1965–1971. The volume offers a foray into the activity of artists emblematic for the new artistic practices of the 1970s, mapping their paths and visual language by presenting archival photographs, writings and recent testimonies of some of them. Alongside, the book includes a non-exhaustive chronology focusing on the artists’ trips and their participation in international events and exhibitions, such as the Lausanne Tapestry Biennale, the Nuremberg Biennale of Constructive Art, the Venice Biennale, the Paris Biennale of Young Artists, the exhibition 4 Romanian Artists at Bauzentrum Hamburg (1969), and the series of exhibitions organised from 1969 in Edinburgh by Scottish promoter Richard Demarco, which culminated in the Romanian Art Today event taking place in the framework of the Edinburgh International Festival (1971). At the same time, the volume includes a selection of secondary sources that focus on the international reception of Romanian art in that period, with texts published by foreign art critics who visited Romania, and also a photographic documentation of the exhibition at the National Museum of Art of Romania.

Publications supported by: AFCN, individual donors

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