Discovery Is the Main Thing

Laurențiu Ruță

Sewn paperback

2024, Romanian/English, 12 x 16 cm, 72 pp., 20 ills.

Parkour Series

ISBN 978-630-95032-0-6

Alina Șerban, Ștefania Ferchedău

Interview by
Alina Șerban

Ioana Petcu

A creative and systematic character, preoccupied with the mathematical configuration of form and its transformation, Laurenţiu Ruţă (1955, Biled–2024, Cluj-Napoca) has his own place in the history of experimental photography in Romania. In this interview, the artist is revisiting the journey of his formation—found under the auspices of the Art High School in Timișoara in the 1970s and of the alternative events held within Atelier 35 in Cluj during the 1980s. Disclosing the unexpected experiences arising from his encounter with photography, Laurenţiu Ruţă analyses the specific relations entailed by the photographic images resulting from the pursued type of intervention and working process. The singular and open spirit of his art is reflected by his interest in long periods of testing certain principles which govern the game of geometrical forms, as well as by its epiphanic nature. From stroboscopic experiments to those which expose the surface of the photosensitive paper to the organic movements of water structured through sound vibrations, Ruţă stops to ponder on the context of life and personal ar- tistic quest which made him conceive the emblematic action entitled The Performance, within The Young Art Critics and Fine Arts Colloquium in Sibiu, in 1986.

Publication supported by: AFCN, Quadro Gallery

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